International Carnivorous Plant Society
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive
Issues from 1980-1984 | Volume 9-13
The Carnivorous Plant Newsletter (CPN) is the official publication of the International Carnivorous Plant Society (ICPS).
CPN is a hybrid journal. It has both popular and peer reviewed scientific articles. The ICPS makes all scientific and taxonomic articles and cultivar descriptions open access from the issue date. Other articles are embargoed for 6 months after the issue date.
If you need a copy of an embargoed article for scholarly purposes, please contact us using our membership website,
Issues are listed in reverse order.
Contents of Volume 13 Number 3, September 1984
- Tedious Trudge Through the Torturous Turmoils of Taxonomy — Turnbull, John and Anne Middleton (Info | PDF)
- Sundew as Officinal Plant — Furst, Ruedi (Info | PDF)
- Carnivorous Plant Tissue Culture - Preserving Our Interests — Gagliardo, Ron (Info | PDF)
- Color Variants of Dionaea muscipula - photo essay — Gold, J. (Info | PDF)
- Carnivorous or Insectivorous Plants — Ashley, George (Info | PDF)
- Drosera binata — Gilbert, I. (Info | PDF)
- Drosera indica — Pierson, Bruce (Info | PDF)
- Layering and Repotting — Gilbert, I. (Info | PDF)
- Drosera montana — Pierson, Bruce (Info | PDF)
- Drosophyllum lusitanicum — Pierson, Bruce (Info | PDF)
- Cacti, Succulents and Insectivorous Plants by I Kusakabe — Fukatsu, Yasuhiro (Summary | PDF)
- Review of recent literature (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 13 Number 2, June 1984
- Medicinal Uses of Some American Carnivorous Plants — Schnell, Donald (Info | PDF)
- Animal Associates of Carnivorous Plants — Massey, Oliver T. (Info | PDF)
- A Field Trip to Gunong Trusmadi — Marabini, Johannes (Info | PDF)
- Sarracenia Hybrids - The F-1 Generation, Part I. S. flava Hybrids — Mazrimas, J.A. and Leo C. Song (Info | PDF)
- Byblis gigantea — Pierson, Bruce (Info | PDF)
- Plants of the World by ASAHI — Fukatsu, Yasuhiro (Info | PDF)
- Carnivorous Plants by M. Kondo and K. Kondo — Fukatsu, Yasuhiro (Info | PDF)
- A Rewarding Hobby — Yax, Curtis (Info | PDF)
- The Leaf Blade Movement of Drosera prolifera — Katagiri, Yoshiaki (Info | PDF)
- Review of recent literature (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 13 Number 1, March 1984
- Sporotrichosis: A Disease Hazard for Nurserymen — Skilling, Darroll D. (Summary | PDF)
- Byblis liniflora — Pierson, Bruce (Info | PDF)
- Three Nepenthes from the Padang Highlands — Shivas, Roger G. (Info | PDF)
- The Lake Toba Nepenthes — Shivas, Roger G. (Info | PDF)
- Insectivorous Plants by I.P.S.J. — Fukatsu, Yasuhiro (Info | PDF)
- Carnivorous Plants, Observation and Cultivation by S. Komiya — Fukatsu, Yasuhiro (Info | PDF)
- Review of recent literature (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 12 Number 4, December 1983
- On the Cultivation of the Giant Malaysian Pitcher Plant (Nepenthes rajah) — Gibson, Thomas C. (Info | PDF)
- C.P.'s of the Southern Alps of New Zealand — Birmingham, Grant and Phil Cotter (Info | PDF)
- Sabah Nepenthes Expeditions 1982 & 1983 — Lowrie, Allen (Info | PDF)
- Growing Cephalotus in Australia — Hanlon, Andrew (Info | PDF)
- Carnivorous Plants Deserve Protection — Campbell, Faith (Info | PDF)
- A 'Forma Crestata' of Drosera — Wistuba, Andreas (Info | PDF)
- Review of recent literature (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 12 Number 3, September 1983
- A Preliminary Report on the Pollination of a Sarracenia purpurea in a Forest-Swale Ecotone — O'Neil, Wendy (Info | PDF)
- Preservation of Nepenthes Pitchers by Freeze Drying — Shivas, Roger G. (Info | PDF)
- Nepenthes mirabilis variation — Bednar, Bruce (Info | PDF)
- Nepenthes of Gunung Ulu Kali — Shivas, Roger G. (Info | PDF)
- The Influence of Different Forms of Sarracenia Species on Their Hybrids — Clemesha, Steve (Info | PDF)
- A Photographic Study of the Rapid Movement of Stalked Glands of the Cape Sundew Drosera capensis — Elzinga, Glenn and John D. Beebe and Randall Van Dragt (Info | PDF)
- Review of recent literature (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 12 Number 2, June 1983
- Seed Structure of Carnivorous Plants — Dwyer, Patrick T. (Info | PDF)
- Utricularia menziessii: An Amazing Plant — Temple, P. (Info | PDF)
- A Photographic Primer of the Pinguiculas of the Southeastern United States — Schnell, Donald (Info | PDF)
- A Re-Visit to Florida and Georgia C.P. — De Puy, Gary (Info | PDF)
- Review of recent literature (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 11 Number 4, December 1982
- Once In a Lifetime — Taylor, David W. (Summary | PDF)
- The I.C.P.S. By-Laws -- Let's Get Going — Schnell, Donald (Info | PDF)
- 1982 Activities of the North Carolina Carnivorous Plant Growers — Gagliardo, Ron (Info | PDF)
- Tissue Culture of Pinguicula — Carroll, Bill (Info | PDF)
- Why They Do or Do Not Grow — Schnell, Donald (Summary | PDF)
- The Chelsea Flower Show — Sirkett, John (Info | PDF)
- Notes on Nepenthes — Kocsis, Ivan (Info | PDF)
- Review of recent literature (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 11 Number 3, September 1982
- Once In a Lifetime — Taylor, David W. (Summary | PDF)
- The Most Dangerous (Looking) Nepenthes — Dodd, Cliff (Info | PDF)
- Insectivores: Drosera and Drosophyllum — Haberlandt, Gottlieb (Summary | PDF)
- A Field Trip to Singapore — Woodring, M. (Info | PDF)
- Review of recent literature (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 11 Number 2, June 1982
- Insectivores: Dionaea muscipula — Haberlandt, Gottlieb (Summary | PDF)
- A Photographic Primer of Variants of Sarracenia rubra Walt. — Schnell, Donald (Info | PDF)
- A Miscellaneous List of Places Where CPN is Cited — Mellichamp, T.L. (Info | PDF)
- Cultivating the Orchid Flowered Butterworts — Smith, Steve (Info | PDF)
- A Field Trip to Toolbrunup Peak — Lowrie, Allen (Info | PDF)
- Review of recent literature (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 11 Number 1, March 1982
- Insectivores: Dionaea muscipula — Haberlandt, Gottlieb (Summary | PDF)
- Field Studies on CP at UMBS — Mellichamp, T.L. (Info | PDF)
- An Introduction to Genlisea — Claudi-Magnussen, Glenn (Info | PDF)
- The Problem of Carnivory in the Common Toothwort (Lathraea squamaria L.) — Studnička, M. (Info | PDF)
- Cultivating Drosera linearis (Goldie) — Korolas, Jim (Info | PDF)
- Review of recent literature (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 10 Number 4, December 1981
- Insectivores: Aldrovanda vesiculosa — Haberlandt, Gottlieb (Summary | PDF)
- A Northward Extension of Pinguicula pumila Michx. — Wilson, Jeanine (Info | PDF)
- Ultrasonic and Radiographic studies of the Developmental sequence, and of Secretory Modifications produced by Stimulation of the Digestive Gland Cells of Drosera capensis L. with Reference to the Golgi Apparatus — Outenreath, Robert Lynn (Info | PDF)
- New CP Cultivar Received in 1980 — Robinson, James T. (Info | PDF)
- A South African Insectivorous Plant Trip — Christophe, Alain (Info | PDF)
- The Northern Rainbow Plant -- Byblis liniflora — Lavarack, P. S. (Info | PDF)
- Unusual and Sometimes Worrisome Growth Patterns in Sarracenia Pitchers — Schnell, Donald (Info | PDF)
- Missouri Botanical Garden's First Annual Carnivorous Plant Exhibit — Maupin, Marilyn (Info | PDF)
- Review of recent literature (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 10 Number 3, September 1981
- The Evolution of Carnivorous Plants — Speirs, D.C. (Info | PDF)
- How Exclusive are Carnivorous Plants? — Simons, Paul (Info | PDF)
- Nepenthes mirabilis in Australia — Lavarack, P. S. (Summary | PDF)
- Insectivores: Aldrovanda vesiculosa — Haberlandt, Gottlieb (Summary | PDF)
- Drosera zonaria in Flower — Lowrie, Allen (Info | PDF)
- Review of recent literature (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 10 Number 2, June 1981
- The Oxford Symposium on Carnivorous Plants — Williams, Stephen E. (Info | PDF)
- The Role of Indoleacetic Acid in the Control of Leaf Blade Movements of Drosera capensis — Weilbrenner, Inga and Martin Bopp (Info | PDF)
- Polypompholyx — Lowrie, Allen (Info | PDF)
- The Czech Butterwort Pinguicula bohemica — Studnička, M. (Info | PDF)
- A Photographic Primer of Variants of Sarracenia purpurea L. — Schnell, Donald (Info | PDF)
- Horticulturists' Corner: Are there any ants in your plants? — Mellichamp, T.L. (Info | PDF)
- Review of recent literature (Info | PDF)
- Editor's Corner — Schnell, Don (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 10 Number 1, March 1981
- More on Predacious Fungi — Claudi-Magnussen, Glenn (Info | PDF)
- In Reply to the Article on 'Cannington Swamp' — Lowrie, Allen (Info | PDF)
- On Growing Drosera regia — Jacobs, Phillip (Info | PDF)
- Carnivorophytes on Stamps and Coins — Speirs, D.C. (Info | PDF)
- Byblis gigantea — Lowrie, Allen (Info | PDF)
- The British Carnivorous Plant Society — Watkins, John (Info | PDF)
- Horticulturists' Corner: repotting plants — Mellichamp, T.L. (Summary | PDF)
- Review of recent literature (Info | PDF)
- Editor's Corner — Editors (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 9 Number 4, December 1980
- How Venus' Flytraps Catch Spiders and Ants (continued) — Williams, Stephen E. (Info | PDF)
- The Green Swamp and Atlantic Coast Trip (continued) — Miller, Jim (Info | PDF)
- CP Growing in Central Florida — Dodd, Cliff (Info | PDF)
- Growing CP under Lights — Miller, Jim (Info | PDF)
- Greenhouse plans — Story, Tom (Info | PDF)
- Review of recent literature (Info | PDF)
- Editor's Corner: What is our society about? — Mellichamp, Larry (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 9 Number 3, September 1980
- Cannington Swamp — McComb, A.J. and W.A. Loneragan (Info | PDF)
- On the Names of the Venus's Fly Trap — Dress, William J. (Info | PDF)
- How Venus' Flytraps Catch Spiders and Ants — Williams, Stephen E. (Info | PDF)
- The Green Swamp and Atlantic Coast Trip — Miller, Jim (Info | PDF)
- The 1980 RHS Chelsea Flower Show — Taylor, David W. (Info | PDF)
- C.P. Growing the Unique Way: report from down under — Tsang, Peter (Info | PDF)
- Review of recent literature (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 9 Number 2, June 1980
- Carnivorous Plants do not Appear to be Cannibals — Speirs, D.C. (Info | PDF)
- Darlingtonia — Miller, Jim (Info | PDF)
- The Predacious Fungi — Claudi-Magnussen, Glenn (Info | PDF)
- A Photographic Primer of Variants of Sarracenia flava L. — Schnell, Donald (Info | PDF)
- How to Raise Fruit Flies as Food for Carnivorous Plants — Wiggins, R. Douglas Jr. (Info | PDF)
- A New Drosera from the Top End of Australia — Tsang, Peter (Info | PDF)
- The New Forest Boglands — Taylor, David W. (Info | PDF)
- Beginners Corner: Cephalotus follicularis — Schnell, Donald (Info | PDF)
- Review of recent literature (Info | PDF)
- News and views: Veriegated Nepenthes alata — Kusakabe, Isamu (Info | PDF)
- Editor's Corner: We almost kissed Sarracenia oreophila goodbye! — Editors (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 9 Number 1, March 1980
- Cannington Swamp R.I.P. (Born about the time of the dinosaurs, Died 1981) — Lowrie, Allen (Info | PDF)
- Biology of West Australian Tuberous Drosera — Dixon, K.W. and J.S. Pate (Info | PDF)
- Three Australian Sundews — Stoutamire, Warren (Info | PDF)
- Pinguiculas gotta swim, Sarracenias gotta fly — Speirs, D.C. (Info | PDF)
- Drosera regia — Ziemer, Robert R. (Info | PDF)
- Drosera linearis — Schnell, Donald (Info | PDF)
- A New Drosera Record for New England — Newman, George (Info | PDF)
- Publication of New CP Cultivars — Robinson, James T. (Info | PDF)
- Review of recent literature (Info | PDF)
- Formal Formation of the International Carnivorous Plant Society — Editors (Info | PDF)
Previous — 1972-1979 | Volume 1-8 Next — 1985-1989 | Volume 14-18
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