International Carnivorous Plant Society
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive
Issues from 2000-2004 | Volume 29-33
The Carnivorous Plant Newsletter (CPN) is the official publication of the International Carnivorous Plant Society (ICPS).
CPN is a hybrid journal. It has both popular and peer reviewed scientific articles. The ICPS makes all scientific and taxonomic articles and cultivar descriptions open access from the issue date. Other articles are embargoed for 6 months after the issue date.
If you need a copy of an embargoed article for scholarly purposes, please contact us using our membership website,
Issues are listed in reverse order.
Contents of Volume 33 Number 4, December 2004
- New Cultivars — Thomas Carow and Romuald Anifraix (Summary | PDF)
- Contribution to the cytotaxonomical knowledge of the genus Pinguicula L. (Lentibulariaceae): A synopsis of Karyological Data — Peruzzi, Lorenzo (Summary | PDF)
- Heliamphora elongata (Sarraceniaceae), a new species from Ilu Tepui — Nerz, Joachim (Summary | PDF)
- Red Aldrovanda from near Esperance, Western Australia — Gibson, Robert (Info | PDF)
- Leaf Pullings: a 'new' way to propagate Sarracenia vegetatively — Rice, Barry A. (Info | PDF)
- Special review: Nepenthes inermis model — Rice, Barry (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 33 Number 3, September 2004
- Pinguicula crystallina Sibth. et Smith subsp. hirtiflora (Ten.) Strid (Lentibulariaceae) in Calabria (Southern Italy). Cytotaxonomical study and ex situ conservation in the Botanic Garden of Calabria University — Peruzzi, Lorenzo and Nicodemo Giuseppe Passalacqua and Giuliano Cesca (Info | PDF)
- Noteworthy Collections: Anthocyanin-free Sarracenia alata (Wood) in Alabama — Mazur, Carl and Melissa Mazur (Info | PDF)
- A large-flowered form of U. bisquamata from near Hermanus, South Africa — Gibson, Robert (Info | PDF)
- Observations on the Aldrovanda-containing and Aldrovanda-lacking areas of Girraween Lagoon, Australia — Darnowski, Douglas W. (Info | PDF)
- New Cultivars — Studnička, Miloslav and Steven Stewart and William Joseph Clemens and Travis H. Wyman and William Dawnstar (Abstract | PDF)
- How to grow a ridiculously large number of sundews — Darnowski, Douglas W. (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 33 Number 2, June 2004
- Experiences With Propagation of Sarracenia flava (Sarraceniaceae) Through Division With Only One Growing Spot — Isenberg, Tobias (Info | PDF)
- The Conservation and Display of Southeastern U. S. Pitcher Plant Bogs at The Crosby Arboretum — Brzuszek, Robert F. (Summary | PDF)
- A New Mexican Species of Pinguicula (Lentibulariaceae) — Hans Luhrs, Oliver Gluch, Miloslav Studnička (Abstract | PDF)
- Observations on Two Different Forms of Utricularia reniformis — Miloslav Studnička (Summary | PDF)
- New Cultivars — Clemens, William Joseph and Barry Rice and Miloslav Studnička (Summary | PDF)
- Aspects of Ecology of Drosera rotundifolia L. at the White Sea Coast — Volkova, P.A. (Info | PDF)
- Literature reviews — Schlauer, Jan (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 33 Number 1, March 2004
- The Saga of the Hurricane Creek White Sarracenia leucophylla — Hummer, John H. (Info | PDF)
- A Field Study of Sarracenia oreophila — Catalani, Michael (Info | PDF)
- Party Time - Mix and Match — Lum, Greg (Info | PDF)
- New Cultivars — Cook, Dean and John H. Hummer and Art Vogel and Oliver Gluch and Colin Clayton (Summary | PDF)
- The Special Relationship Between Nepenthes and Tree Frogs — Hua, YueJin and Lee Kuizheng (Info | PDF)
- Experiments with highland Nepenthes seedlings: A Summary of Measured Tolerances — Sacilotto, Robert (Info | PDF)
- Special review: Gulf coast carnivorous plants populations - DVD — Mazur, Carl (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 32 Number 4, December 2003
- Three Utricularia species worthy of cultivation — Malcolm, Tim (Info | PDF)
- A Sarracenia purpurea var. montana conservation project — Rice, Barry A. (Info | PDF)
- Wetland Plants in the Desert — Salvia, Elizabeth M. and Barry Rice (Info | PDF)
- Utricularia stygia in California, USA, and U. ochroleuca at its southern range — Schlosser, Eric (Info | PDF)
- Literature reviews — Schlauer, Jan (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 32 Number 3, September 2003
- Share the Joy — Hitchens, Al (Info | PDF)
- What is the Accepted Name for this Plant? or Do I have to call it Sarracenia rosea? — Rice, Barry (Info | PDF)
- In Vitro Propagation of Byblis filifolia (Byblidaceae) — Pelto, Matthew C. and Jon T. Lindstrom (Info | PDF)
- Four New Species of Sundews, Drosera (Droseraceae), From Brazil — Rivadavia, Fernando (Abstract | PDF)
- Drosera grantsaui—A new Introduction From Brazil — Hochberg, Matt and Fernando Rivadavia (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 32 Number 2, June 2003
- Genlisea Traps—A new piece of knowledge — Studnička, Miloslav (Info | PDF)
- Further problem in Genlisea Trap untangled? — Studnička, Miloslav (Info | PDF)
- Zero water flows in the Carnivorous Genus Genlisea — Adamec, Lubomír (Info | PDF)
- Cultivation of Nepenthes northiana — Shafer, Jeff (Info | PDF)
- Curious Natural Hybrid Sundews — Snyder, Ivan (Info | PDF)
- Observations on life strategies of Genlisea, Heliamphora, and Utricularia in Natural Habitats — Studnička, Miloslav (Info | PDF)
- Literature reviews — Schlauer, Jan (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 32 Number 1, March 2003
- Sarracenia Distribution Program — Rice, Barry (Info | PDF)
- Amazing Thailand — Kahl, Tom (Info | PDF)
- Discovering Carnivorous Plants — Green, John (Info | PDF)
- ICPS Wild Seed Collection Policy — Rice, Barry (Info | PDF)
- Pinguicula loxensis (Lentibulariaceae)—A Lost Name by Humboldt and Bonpland? — Casper, S. Jost (Info | PDF)
- A novel method for the cultivation of Nepenthes villosa — Shafer, Jeff (Info | PDF)
- New Cultivars — Brewer, Charles and Steven Ploszak and James L. Booman and Bob Hanrahan (Abstract | PDF)
- ICPS on The World Wide Web: Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Index — Brittnacher, John (Info | PDF)
- The ICPS seed bank can now distribute endangered species seed within the USA! — Rice, Barry and John Brittnacher (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 31 Number 4, December 2002
- Drosera cuneifolia and D. admirabilis: Two rosetted sundews from The Cape Province, South Africa — Gibson, Robert (Info | PDF)
- ICPS on the World Wide Web: Carnivorous Plant E-Mail Listserv Archive — Brittnacher, John (Info | PDF)
- Building a Windowbox Micro-Bog for Urban Environments — Halsted, Kit (Info | PDF)
- A Method for Growing Aldrovanda — Darnowski, Douglas W. (Info | PDF)
- Genlisea lobata Fromm-Trinta — Rivadavia, Fernando (Info | PDF)
- The 4th International Carnivorous Plant Conference Tokyo, Japan, June 21-23, 2002 — Schlauer, Jan (Info | PDF)
- Growing Carnivorous Plants in the UK — Catalano, Marcello (Info | PDF)
- Literature reviews — Schlauer, Jan (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 31 Number 3, September 2002
- Abiotic Factors, Particularly CO2 concentration, Affecting Carnivorous Plants From the Eastern Shore of Maryland — McDermott, Matthew and Douglas W. Darnowski (Info | PDF)
- Heliamphora chimantensis, A new species of Heliamphora (Sarraceniaceae) from the 'Macizo de Chimanta' in the South of Venezuela — Wistuba, Andreas and Thomas Carow and Peter Harbarth (Summary | PDF)
- New Cultivars — Rice, Barry A. and Elizabeth M. Salvia (Summary | PDF)
- An Interview with Dr. Rob Naczi about Sarracenia rosea — Stevens, Tim (Info | PDF)
- ICPS on the World Wide Web — Brittnacher, John (Info | PDF)
- Literature reviews — Schlauer, Jan and Barry Rice (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 31 Number 2, June 2002
- Sarracenia minor Walt. var. okefenokeensis Schnell: A New Variety — Schnell, Donald (Summary | PDF)
- New Cultivars — Sacilotto, Rob (Summary | PDF)
- The Tropical Liana Triphyophyllum peltatum (Dioncophyllaceae): Formation of Carnivorous Organs is only a facultative prerequisite for shoot elongation — Bringmann, Gerhard and Heiko Rischer and Jan Schlauer and Kristina Wolf and Andreas Kreiner and Martin Duschek and Laurent Ake Assi (Summary | PDF)
- Genlisea aurea St. Hil. — Rivadavia, Fernando (Info | PDF)
- A cure for the common cold — Peel, Doug (Info | PDF)
- Literature reviews — Schlauer, Jan (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 31 Number 1, March 2002
- The Search for Utricularia ochroleuca in Western North America — Rondeau, Hawkeye and Edith Rondeau (Info | PDF)
- Conrad Gessner and Pinguicula - a nearly forgotten aspect of the pre-Linnean History of Lentibulariaceae and Pinguicula L. — Casper, S. Jost (Info | PDF)
- Ecological differences between Utricularia ochroleuca and U. intermedia Habitats — Adamec, Lubomír and Jiri Lev (Info | PDF)
- New Cultivars — Hummer, John (Summary | PDF)
- Drosera indica from Narrabri, New South Wales — Gibson, Robert (Info | PDF)
- Cold Pinguicula in a Hot Climate — Meyers-Rice, Barry (Info | PDF)
- Literature reviews (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 30 Number 4, December 2001
- Color patterns in Darlingtonia — Meyers-Rice, Barry (Info | PDF)
- Drosera hartmeyorum spec. nov. (Droseraceae), a new sundew in sect. Arachnopus from Northern Australia — Schlauer, Jan (Summary | PDF)
- Observations on a new Drosera species in the Ord River region (Australia) — Hartmeyer, Siegfried and Irmgard Hartmeyer (Info | PDF)
- New Cultivars — Song, Leo and John Hummer (Summary | PDF)
- Heliamphora folliculata, a new species of Heliamphora (Sarraceniaceae) from the 'Los Testigos' table mountains in the South of Venezuela — Wistuba, Andreas and Peter Harbarth and Thomas Carow (Summary | PDF)
Contents of Volume 30 Number 3, September 2001
- Utricularia geminiloba in flower at last! — Rivadavia, Fernando (Info | PDF)
- New Cultivars — Hinkson, Stephen J. and Barry Meyers-Rice (Summary | PDF)
- Highlights of a trip to Western Australia — Gibson, Robert (Info | PDF)
- Confessions of a dabbler — Richter, Russell (Info | PDF)
- The ICPS 2000 world conference photography contest — Gray, David (Info | PDF)
- Cephalotus cultivation: cultivation with capillary mats — Tran, Dick (Info | PDF)
- A new pot design for tuberous Drosera — McDermott, Matthew and Douglas Darnowski (Info | PDF)
- Literature reviews — Schlauer, Jan (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 30 Number 2, June 2001
- Drosera neocaledonica: Its origins, habitat, and cultivation — Gibson, Robert (Info | PDF)
- Rare Sarracenia poaching and the ICPS — Meyers-Rice, Barry (Info | PDF)
- New Observations of leaf movements in Pinguicula (Lentibulariaceae) — Studnička, Miloslav (Info | PDF)
- How to build a personal reverse osmosis waterworks — LaPedis, Ron (Info | PDF)
- Nepenthes Photographs — Wistuba, Andreas (Info | PDF)
- Literature reviews — Schlauer, Jan (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 30 Number 1, March 2001
- Utricularia nelumbifolia Gardn. at Last! — Rivadavia, Fernando (Info | PDF)
- New Cultivars — Wilson, Phil and Leo Song, Jr. (Summary | PDF)
- Uptake of the amino acid alaninie by digestive leaves: proof of carnivory in the tropical liana Triphyophyllum peltatum (Dioncophyllaceae) — Bringmann, Gerhard and Matthias Wenzel and, Henrick Philipp Bringmann and Jan Schlauer (Summary | PDF)
- Refining the terrarium: alternative techniques for the indoor gardener — Wilder, Mike (Info | PDF)
- Black Vine Weevil: A Sarracenia and Darlingtonia Pest — Meyers-Rice, Barry (Info | PDF)
- Good News: Drosera longifolia L. Rejected, Sarracenia purpurea L. Conserved With a New Type — Cheek, Martin (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 29 Number 4, December 2000
- Savage Garden: Slack-potting the dewy pine — D'Amato, Peter (Info | PDF)
- Cultivars developed by Adrian Slack — Meyers-Rice, Barry (Info | PDF)
- Drosera slackii - A living jewel from South Africa — Gibson, Robert (Summary | PDF)
- Favorite Anecdotes on Adrian Slack — Cantley, Robert and Martin Cheek and Paul F. Gardner and Phill Mann and Barry Meyers-Rice and Norman Parker and Paul Temple (Info | PDF)
- New Cultivars — Hanrahan, Bob and Peter D'Amato and Barry Meyers-Rice and Jan Flisek and John Hummer (Summary | PDF)
- Medium optimization for growing Aldrovanda vesiculosa in vitro — Adamec, Lubomír and Kamil Pásek (Info | PDF)
- Literature reviews — Schlauer, Jan (Info | PDF)
- Editorial: Milestones — Meyers-Rice, Barry (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 29 Number 3, September 2000
- Carnivorous plants in Orange County, Florida — Glidden, Derek (Info | PDF)
- Stalking the pygmy bladderwort, Utricularia olivacea (Lentibulariaceae) — Anderson, Loran C. (Info | PDF)
- Global carnivorous plant diversity a contribution from the carnivorous plant specialist group (cpsg) of the international union for the conservation of nature (iucn,ssc) — Schlauer, Jan (Info | PDF)
- The giant Genlisea uncinata P. Taylor & Fromm-Trinta — Rivadavia, Fernando (Info | PDF)
- New Cultivars — Marshall, Andrew and Peter D'Amato (Summary | PDF)
- Carnivores on stamps and currency — Ellis, Richard (Info | PDF)
- Literature reviews — Schlauer, Jan (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 29 Number 2, June 2000
- Heliamphora hispida (Sarraceniaceae), a new species from Cerro Neblina, Brazil-Venezuela — Nerz, Joachim and Andreas Wistuba (Summary | PDF)
- Endless Carnivorous Plants in Cape Town, South Africa — Rivadavia, Fernando (Info | PDF)
- New Cultivars — Studnička, Miloslav and Peter D'Amato (Summary | PDF)
- Growing Nepenthes in a completely inorganic substrate — Rischer, Heiko (Info | PDF)
- The enduring controversies concerning the process of protein digestion in Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae) — Frazier, Christopher K. (Info | PDF)
- Literature reviews — Schlauer, Jan and Barry Rice (Info | PDF)
Contents of Volume 29 Number 1, March 2000
- Colchicine Treatment on Sterile Hybrid sundews — Snyder, Ivan (Info | PDF)
- Colchicine Hazards — Barry, Sean (Info | PDF)
- Two new Pinguicula hirtiflora Ten. (Lentibulariaceae) sites in Italy — Pinto, E. and M.G. Tine and O. Iovane (Info | PDF)
- New Cultivars — Meyers-Rice, Barry and John Brittnacher and Leo Song (Summary | PDF)
- The Savage Garden: Chilly Nights — D'Amato, Peter (Info | PDF)
- Literature reviews — Schlauer, Jan and Barry Rice (Info | PDF)
Previous — 1995-1999 | Volume 24-28 Next — 2005-2009 | Volume 34-38
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