International Carnivorous Plant Society

Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive

The Carnivorous Plant Newsletter (CPN) is the official publication of the International Carnivorous Plant Society (ICPS).

CPN is a hybrid journal. It has both popular and peer reviewed scientific articles. The ICPS makes all scientific and taxonomic articles and cultivar descriptions open access from the issue date. Other articles are embargoed for 6 months after the issue date.

Issues from 2020-2024 | Volume 49-53


If you need a copy of an embargoed article for scholarly purposes, please contact us using our membership website,

Issues are listed in reverse order.

Contents of Volume 53 Number 3, September 2024

  • Additions to the ICPS Achievement Awards webpage — John Brittnacher
  • Obituary Emeritus Prof. Dr. Stephen E. Williams — Siegfried R. H. Hartmeyer
  • Anatomic adaptation of stems of aquatic Utricularia species dragging turions to the bottom of their habitats — Lubomír Adamec and Hana Sehadová and Jiří Doležal and Veronika Jandová (Abstract | PDF)
  • Utricularia australis R. Br. (Lentibulariaceae): an addition to the carnivorous plants in flora of Gujarat, India — P. K. Patel and Chirag Prajapati (Abstract | PDF)
  • Utricularia purpurea (Purple Bladderwort) occasionally weedy in northern Wisconsin — Teresa A. Golembiewski
  • New cultivars — Rob Maharajh and John Ende and Joseph C. Sullivan (Abstract | PDF)
  • Cultivar names registered in 2022 and 2023 — Jan Schlauer (Summary | PDF)



Contents of Volume 53 Number 2, June 2024

  • Expanding our scope: a larger endangered species restoration project — Carson Trexler (Abstract | PDF)
  • Commemorating the life and career of Katsuhiko Kondo with the 2024 ICPS Lifetime Achievement Award — Richard Nunn and Carson Trexler
  • Pinguicula lusitanica and P. crystallina subsp. hirtiflora traps — Miloslav Studnička (Abstract | PDF)
  • A survey of pesticide use in horticulturally-grown carnivorous plants, with a review of arthropod pests — Michael Skvarla and Jonathan Larson (Abstract | PDF)
  • Comparative shoot morphology between cultivated Utricularia bremii plants and those growing in natural habitats in the Czech Republic — Lubomír Adamec (Abstract | PDF)
  • Review: A Greenhorn Naturalist in Borneo — Siegfried R.H. Hartmeyer
  • New cultivars — Giuseppe Grossi and Fred Passkiewicz (Abstract | PDF)



Contents of Volume 53 Number 1, March 2024

  • CPN needs articles from you — Richard Nunn (Info | PDF)
  • Heliamphora electrum (Sarraceniaceae), an enigmatic species of marsh pitcher plant from the Sierra de Lema of Venezuela — Michal R. Golos and Joachim Nerz and François Sockhom Mey and Andreas Wistuba (Abstract | PDF)
  • Dealing with loss as a horticulturist — Cyrus Exum (Abstract | PDF)
  • New cultivars — Alessio Ragghianti and Miroslav Srba and Carson Trexler (Abstract | PDF)



Contents of Volume 52 Number 4, December 2023

  • Erratum — Bob Ziemer (Summary | PDF)
  • ICPS Conference 2024 — Vienna, Austria — Christian Dietz and Carsten Paul and Günter Seiter and Daniel Rohrauer (Abstract | PDF)
  • A new future: Carnivorous plant conservation and the ICPS — Carson Trexler (Abstract | PDF)
  • Auburn University 2023 Sarracenia oreophila conservation project — Patrick Thompson and Augustus Kirby (Abstract | PDF)
  • ICPS Conference 2023 — Himeji, Japan — Koji Kondo (Abstract | PDF)
  • Japanese carnivorous plant groups and organisations — Takaaki Kagawa (Abstract | PDF)
  • A review of Japanese-native carnivorous plants — Takaaki Kagawa (Abstract | PDF)
  • The 13th ICPS Post-Conference Tour to the greatest botanical gardens of Hyogo Pref., Japan — Emmi Kurosawa (Abstract | PDF)
  • The 13th ICPS Post-Conference wetland expeditions — Justin Dunning (Abstract | PDF)
  • The 13th ICPS Conference Pinguicula ramosa expedition — Emmi Kurosawa (Abstract | PDF)
  • New cultivars — Emmi Kurosawa (Abstract | PDF)
  • From the Editors — John Brittnacher (Info | PDF)



Contents of Volume 52 Number 3, September 2023

  • 13th ICPS International Conference, Japan — Anon (Info | PDF)
  • 14th ICPS International Conference, Austria — Anon (Info | PDF)
  • Nepenthes limiana (Nepenthaceae), a new pitcher plant from the northern Titiwangsa Range of Peninsular Malaysia — Michal R. Golos and François Sockhom Mey and Andreas Wistuba and Gideon Lim and Stewart R. McPherson and Alastair S. Robinson (Abstract | PDF)
  • Quick note: Byblis gigantea and B. liniflora traps work the same — Miloslav Studnička (Abstract | PDF)
  • Successful cultivation of Darlingtonia californica in a hot climate via root zone chilling — Shawn Lyons (Abstract | PDF)
  • An inexpensive growth chamber for Heliamphora — Gregory Beylin (Abstract | PDF)
  • Education Corner — Kenny Coogan (Abstract | PDF)
  • New cultivars — Mark Rubnitz and Mark S. Anderson and Sergio Mejias Hinojosa and Zihang Qiu (Abstract | PDF)



Contents of Volume 52 Number 2, June 2023

  • Support the ICPS Conservation Fund — Carson Trexler (Abstract | PDF)
  • Pinguicula lithophytica is not conspecific with Pinguicula jaraguana or a variety of Pinguicula jackii — Paul Temple and Ivan Panco and Cristina M. Panfet Valdés and Yoannis Domínguez (Abstract | PDF)
  • ICPS Roundtables — Kenny Coogan (Abstract | PDF)
  • Carnivorous plants and conservation — the role of carnivorous plant enthusiasts — Andreas Fleischmann (Abstract | PDF)
  • Education Corner: Carnivores in the Classroom update — Kenny Coogan (Abstract | PDF)
  • New cultivars — Julien Müller and Evan Wang and Emmy Wang and Mark Rubnitz and Arlen Weng and Emanuele Melani and Lukas Mondoux and Michael Richard Sprouse and Fred Vosse and Mentaz Philippe and Guilherme Baião and Bruno Garcia (Abstract | PDF)



Contents of Volume 52 Number 1, March 2023

  • Thomas Lawrence Mellichamp, “Dr. M” — Audrey Mellichamp and Paula Gross and Carson Trexler and Tom Diggs and Peter D'Amato (Summary | PDF)
  • Update of 13th ICPS Conference, Himeji, Japan — Koji Kondo (Summary | PDF)
  • Education Corner. 3rd Annual World Carnivorous Plant Day — 3 May 2023 — Kenny Coogan (Summary | PDF)
  • Nepenthes berbulu (Nepenthaceae), a pitcher plant from Peninsular Malaysia with remarkably long lid bristles — Hong L. Tan and Gideon Lim and François Sockhom Mey and Michal R. Golos and Andreas Wistuba and Stewart R. McPherson and Alastair S. Robinson (Abstract | PDF)
  • Two new natural Sarracenia hybrids from the Gulf Coast — Carson Trexler (Abstract | PDF)
  • The times they are a-changin' — Marcel van den Broek (Summary | PDF)
  • Unexpected carnivorous plant discoveries on an adventure to Cape York — Boaz Ng (Abstract | PDF)
  • New cultivars — Fred Vosse and Olivier Bres and Riley D. Duncan (Abstract | PDF)



Contents of Volume 51 Number 4, December 2022

  • A new schedule of fees for ICPS starting February 2023 — Richard Nunn (Info | PDF)
  • Observations on Cephalotus follicularis reproductive biology — John Brittnacher (Abstract | PDF)
  • Proboscidea and Dicyphini: An example of spontaneous mutualism by a population of predatory bugs inhabiting a sticky plant — Siegfried R. H. Hartmeyer and Irmgard Hartmeyer (Abstract | PDF)
  • The taxonomic relevance of Naphthoquinones in tropical pitcher plants (Nepenthes L., Nepenthaceae) — Jan Schlauer and Andreas Wistuba and Siegfried R. H. Hartmeyer and Irmgard Hartmeyer (Abstract | PDF)
  • Microscopic features useful for identifying Utricularia native to the western USA, with an emphasis on the bladder quadrifid glands — Barry Rice (Info | PDF)
  • Variation in Triantha occidentalis (S.Watson) R.R.Gates characteristics in California — Barry Rice (Info | PDF)
  • Hunting the king — Drosera regia trip report — Hendré Barnard (Info | PDF)
  • New cultivars — Mentaz Philippe and Emmy Wang and Evan Wang and Juan Camilo Páez Jiménez and Maribel Bohórquez Rodríguez and Aida Esther Jimenez and Nathan Thomas and Yang-Fang Ho (Abstract | PDF)



Contents of Volume 51 Number 3, September 2022

  • Informational email from the ICPS — John Brittnacher (Info | PDF)
  • A new Drosera hybrid: Drosera ×bockowskii (Droseraceae) — Bill Scholl (Abstract | PDF)
  • An account of the antennae-flowered Utricularia of northern Australia — Richard Nunn (Abstract | PDF)
  • Grow Genlisea so you can see the traps — John Brittnacher (Abstract | PDF)
  • Deli display case converted into a carnivorous plant highland chamber — James Falconio (Info | PDF)
  • Education Corner — Kenny Coogan (Info | PDF)
  • An interview with Margaret Cho — Kenny Coogan (Info | PDF)
  • New cultivars — Sunya Nuanlaong and Milan Del Buono and Howard Bramble and Pietro Falchi and Laurens Eggen and Mike Howlett and Andrés Rodrigo Caldas Enriquez (Abstract | PDF)
  • Names of carnivorous plant cultivars registered in 2021 — Jan Schlauer (Info | PDF)



Contents of Volume 51 Number 2, June 2022

  • The 13th ICPS Conference—Japan — Koji Kondo (Info | PDF)
  • CPN takes another step into the digital world — John Brittnacher (Info | PDF)
  • Morphometry of shoots and flowers of Utricularia minor at a large site in the Czech Republic — Lubomír Adamec and Andrea Kucerová (Abstract | PDF)
  • Drosera filiformis Raf. var. floridana Rice forma albiflora J.Ksepka f. nov — Jason Ksepka (Abstract | PDF)
  • Forked leafed Drosera tracyi — Bill Scholl (Abstract | PDF)
  • Purple bladderworts in Quebec: Rediscovering an unusual growth strategy — Douglas W. Darnowski (Summary | PDF)
  • Field notes on Triantha occidentalis subsp. brevistyla (C.L.Hitchc.) Packer in Washington, USA — Barry A. Rice (Info | PDF)
  • Captivated: The Allure of Carnivorous Plants A non-profit documentary film — Jonathan S. Kui (Info | PDF)
  • New cultivars — Giacomo Mehle and Craig Heath and Kirk Simpson and Frank Obregon and Robert Co and Daniele Righetti (Abstract | PDF)



Contents of Volume 51 Number 1, March 2022

  • Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 50th Anniversary Issue — John Brittnacher (Summary | PDF)
  • Posthumous Lifetime Achievement Award — Allen Lowrie — Richard Nunn (Info | PDF)
  • Allen James Lowrie (10 October 1948 — 30 August 2021) — Kevin F. Kenneally (Summary | PDF)
  • In memory of Allen James Lowrie (1948 — 2021) — Richard Nunn and Robert Gibson and Marcel van den Broek and Denzel Murfet and Greg Bourke and Andreas Fleischmann and Russell L. Barrett and Spot Cullen (Summary | PDF)
  • The huge scientific footprint of Allen James Lowrie (1948 — 2021) — Andreas Fleischmann (Summary | PDF)
  • Allen Lowrie's definitive work on Australian Carnivorous Plants - Carnivorous Plants of Australia Magnum Opus — Richard Nunn (Summary | PDF)
  • New Australian Drosera taxa published since Allen Lowrie's Magnum Opus — Thilo Alexander Krueger (Summary | PDF)
  • New Australian Nepenthes taxa published since Allen Lowrie's Magnum Opus — Richard Nunn (Summary | PDF)
  • New Australian Utricularia taxa published since Allen Lowrie's Magnum Opus — Richard Nunn (Summary | PDF)
  • Cultivating kids: A passion for carnivorous plants — Evan Wang and Stephen Wang (Summary | PDF)
  • Refined taxon sampling discloses new quinone patterns and relationships among Sundews (Drosera, Droseraceae) — Jan Schlauer and Andreas Fleischmann (Abstract | PDF)
  • New cultivars — Dieter Blancquaert and Craig Heath and Evan Wang and Gianluca Bergamo (Abstract | PDF)



Contents of Volume 50 Number 4, December 2021

  • 2021 ICPS Lifetime Achievement Award Professor Dr. Siegfried Jost Casper — Richard Nunn (Info | PDF)
  • Siegfried Jost Casper (1929—2021) — Andreas Fleischmann and Jan Schlauer and Hermann Manitz (Summary | PDF)
  • My first experience with the genus Pinguicula and the manuscripts of Jost Casper — Hans Luhrs (Info | PDF)
  • On the occasion of the death of Prof. Dr. phil. Siegfried Jost Casper (1929—2021) — Jürg Steiger (Summary | PDF)
  • On the infrageneric classification of Pinguicula — Andreas Fleischmann (Abstract | PDF)
  • First record of overlap between two species of Pinguicula in the Andean Patagonian forest — Federico Ezequiel Parrilli and María Victoria Coppini (Abstract | PDF)
  • Additional features for the recently described Pinguicula (Lentibulariaceae) species from Spain — Aymeric Roccia (Abstract | PDF)
  • An interesting example of Pinguicula macroceras from Vancouver Island, Canada — Chad Kreutzenstein and Justin Dunning (Summary | PDF)
  • Pinguicula in the Lower 48: Habitat Notes — Barry A. Rice (Abstract | PDF)
  • 13th ICPS Conference, May 13—15, 2022, Himeji, Japan — Koji Kondo (Info | PDF)
  • A short profile on Triantha (Nutt.) Baker with a focus on T. occidentalis (S.Watson) R.R. Gates — Barry A. Rice (Abstract | PDF)
  • Obituary: Allen Lowrie 1948 — 2021 — Richard Nunn (Info | PDF)
  • New cultivars — Giacomo Mehle and Juan Camilo Páez Jiménez and Maribel Bohórquez Rodríguez and Aidan Fox and Gary Alcock and Carl Leach and Dimitar Daskalov and Mark Geurts (Abstract | PDF)



Contents of Volume 50 Number 3, September 2021

  • Surviving the pandemic — Alison Carrington-Tardif (Info | PDF)
  • World Carnivorous Plant Day: A World-wide success — Carson Trexler and Kenny Coogan (Info | PDF)
  • World Carnivorous Plant Day photo contest — Kenny Coogan (Info | PDF)
  • Frequency of trap closure and capture of prey by Dionaea muscipula in the field — Stephen E. Williams and Bill Scholl (Abstract | PDF)
  • Naphthoquinones in Pygmy Sundews (Drosera sect. Bryastrum) — Jan Schlauer and Andreas Fleischmann (Abstract | PDF)
  • An account of Drosera section Lasiocephala — Richard Nunn and Allen Lowrie (Abstract | PDF)
  • Carnivorous plants of Australia's Top End — Boaz Ng (Abstract | PDF)
  • Waukauyengtipu and Uchii River Uplands Expedition 2019 — report with photographic observations of carnivorous flora of the Paruima territory in the Cuyuni-Mazaruni Region of Guyana — Mateusz Wrazidlo (Abstract | PDF)
  • New cultivars — Dr. Panut Oprasertsawat and Stefano C. Sciutto and Greg Bourke and (Abstract | PDF)
  • A new taxonomic rank for Drosera pedicellaris (Droseraceae) — Jan Schlauer (Summary | PDF)
  • Names of carnivorous plant cultivars registered in 2020 — Jan Schlauer (Summary | PDF)



Contents of Volume 50 Number 2, June 2021

  • Splash-cups, springboards, and sink or swim — Preliminary study of the strategies for vegetative propagule dispersal in Pygmy Drosera — Greg Bourke (Abstract | PDF)
  • Online Guide to the Pygmy Drosera — Anon. (Info | PDF)
  • Can Venus flytraps be triggered to close by raindrops? — Stephen E. Williams and Bill Scholl (Abstract | PDF)
  • Using a trail camera for recording plant-insect interactions with Venus flytrap as an example — Stephen E. Williams and Bill Scholl (Abstract | PDF)
  • On Dipsacus and Drosera: Francis Darwin's favorite carnivores — John R. Schaefer (Abstract | PDF)
  • Re-discovering Utricularia platensis Speg. in Argentina — Danel Aranoa (Info | PDF)
  • A new technique for the cultivation of Cephalotus follicularis — Richard Nunn and Chiem Nguyen Anh Vu (Info | PDF)
  • New Cultivars — Dimitar Daskalov and Evan Wang and Craig Heath and Yabbie Yang and Milan Del Buono and Olivier Bres (Abstract | PDF)



Contents of Volume 50 Number 1, March 2021

  • 13th ICPS Conference - Japan: Postponed until 2022 — Anon (Info | PDF)
  • World Carnivorous Plant Day — Anon (Info | PDF)
  • ICPS Lifetime Achievement Award, Hall of Fame, & Wall of Honor — Richard Nunn (Info | PDF)
  • The ICPS presents the ICPS Lifetime Achievement Award to Dr. Larry Mellichamp — Carson Trexler (Info | PDF)
  • On tropical Drosera rotundifolia L. — Andreas Fleischmann (Abstract | PDF)
  • Pollination of Dionaea muscipula, the Venus Flytrap — Stephen E. Williams and Bill Scholl (Abstract | PDF)
  • Sarracenia hybridisation: results of crossing complex hybrids — Steve Amoroso (Info | PDF)
  • Hydroponic culture of Drosophyllum lusitanicum — Jeong-pil Lee (Info | PDF)
  • Insectivore art in transit — Carolyn Braaksma and Chris Lange (Abstract | PDF)
  • New cultivars — Craig Heath and Alexander Fisch and Fraser Anderson and Calen Hall and Jerry Addington and Mattia Chinaglia and Carson Trexler and Zuzana Srostlik (Abstract | PDF)
  • Carnivorous plant cultivar names and patents — Jan Schlauer (Info | PDF)
  • Literature review — Jan Schlauer (Info | PDF)
  • Book review — Barry Rice (Info | PDF)



Contents of Volume 49 Number 4, December 2020

  • From the jungle back to the drawing board … and back: An interview with François Sockhom Mey — Marcel van den Broek (Info | PDF)
  • On the regulation of dissolved oxygen by Nepenthes pitchers — Kadeem J. Gilbert (Abstract | PDF)
  • First observations of UV-induced fluorescence in Heliamphora (Sarraceniaceae) and other tepui flora. [Summary of Technical Contribution Published Online] — Michal R. Golos (Info | PDF)
  • First observations of UV-induced fluorescence in Heliamphora (Sarraceniaceae) and other tepui flora — Michal R. Golos (Published Online: Abstract | PDF)
  • Drosera capensis: some variation in cultivation and in the wild — Robert Gibson (Summary | PDF)
  • Hypothesis of tumbleweed-like dispersal of Drosera seeds — Robert Gibson (Summary | PDF)
  • Witanowski's discovery - and how its early misinterpretation and subsequent neglect continue to impede scientific progress and insight — Jan Schlauer (Abstract | PDF)
  • New cultivars — Teddy Vayssade and Craig Heath (Abstract | PDF)



Contents of Volume 49 Number 3, September 2020

  • Steve Clemesha (1942 - 2018) — the life of a plant enthusiast — Robert Gibson (Info | PDF)
  • Evolution of the Cephalotus pitcher — John Brittnacher (Abstract | PDF)
  • Small Butterwort (Pinguicula pumila) in its natural habitat — John Bradford and George Rogers (Abstract | PDF)
  • Evidence for motile suction traps in Utricularia westonii from Utricularia subgenus Polypompholyx — Simon Poppinga and Marco Pezzotta and Andreas Fleischmann (Abstract | PDF)
  • Lithophytic culture of Mexican Pinguicula — Alvin Liu (Abstract | PDF)
  • Green Anoles as Sarracenia pollinators? — John Brueggen (Info | PDF)
  • Education corner: ICPS Photo Contest — Kenny Coogan (Info | PDF)
  • New cultivars — Steve Bunclark and Bob Ziemer and Andy Smith and Ding Weijie (Abstract | PDF)
  • Sarracenia leucophylla, illustrated — Minnelli Lucy France (Info | PDF)



Contents of Volume 49 Number 2, June 2020

  • 13th ICPS Conference - Japan: postponed until 2021 — Koji Kondo (Info | PDF)
  • Preliminary identification of the agent causing the fungal disease of Aldrovanda vesiculosa — Iveta Svobodová and Lubomír Adamec (Abstract | PDF)
  • Pinguicula antarctica Vahl and/or Pinguicula nahuelbutensis Gluch in the Cordillera de Nahuelbuta, Chile — S. Jost Casper (Abstract | PDF)
  • True vivipary in two remarkable Pinguicula (Lentibulariaceae) from the Caribbean, P. lignicola and P. casabitoana — Paul Temple and Ivan Panco and Cristina M. Panfet Valdéz and Colmar A. Serra (Abstract | PDF)
  • Drosera filiformis Raf. forma rubriflora J.Ksepka f. nov — Jason Ksepka (Abstract | PDF)
  • Drosera filiformis Raf. forma viridis J.Ksepka f. nov — Jason Ksepka (Abstract | PDF)
  • New cultivars — Brian Lipinski and Craig Heath and Stephen Wang and Mark Rubnitz and Miroslav Srba and Michael King and Laurent Taerwe and Ivan Bogdanov (Abstract | PDF)
  • Names of carnivorous plant cultivars registered in 2019 — Anon (Abstract | PDF)



Contents of Volume 49 Number 1, March 2020

  • ICPS Conference 2018 videos — Anon (Info | PDF)
  • ICPS Conference 2020 - Update — Koji Kondo (Info | PDF)
  • When three become two: Drosera coalara links Drosera citrina with Drosera nivea — Thilo Alexander Krueger and Andreas Fleischmann (Abstract | PDF)
  • In pursuit of Mexican Pinguicula: a journey to northwestern Oaxaca — Martín Mata-Rosas and Julián Hernández-Rendón and María Magdalena Salinas-Rodríguez (Abstract | PDF)
  • Carnivorous plants of the Western Australian granite outcrops — Boaz Ng (Abstract | PDF)
  • Growing Genlisea — Rita Corino (Summary | PDF)
  • Butterflies love Sarracenia — Robert Barr (Info | PDF)
  • New Cultivars — Alexander Fisch and Jimmy Conner (Summary | PDF)
  • Book review: Flesh-Eating Plants of Newfoundland & Labrador and the Maritime Provinces — Barry Rice (Info | PDF)



Previous — 2015-2019 | Volume 44-48  


©International Carnivorous Plant Society

This page is maintained by John Brittnacher.
Please contact us at our membership website,