International Carnivorous Plant Society
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive
Instructions for Authors
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter is the official journal of The International Carnivorous Plant Society. It is dedicated to the distribution of knowledge about carnivorous plants, including information on cultivation, conservation, and related fields of botany. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter thrives only because of a steady stream of material from its readership.
Follow these guidelines when submitting contributions:
General considerations
- All material submitted for publication must be original, written by the listed authors, and unpublished. A machine cannot be an author but may assist in language translation.
- All submissions must be in electronic form.
- All submissions must have a title.
- Document files should be in Microsoft Word (.docx), rich text format (.rtf), ASCII text (.txt) or the body of an email.
- The corresponding author must provide an email address.
- Include a list of all authors. We may request an e-mail from each author confirming they wish to be listed as an author.
- Contributions should include postal addresses for all authors and email addresses for at least the corresponding author. If the postal address is a private residence, the city, state, and country are sufficient.
- CPN is an English language journal. American and British spelling is accepted. Spelling should be consistent in an article.
- Metric units must be used in scholarly articles and cultivar descriptions. US measurement units may be used in general interest articles.
- If copyrighted material is submitted, it must be accompanied by a written express license to reproduce it in Carnivorous Plant Newsletter, signed by the copyright holder.
- Manuscripts which report on activities that involve field collection should specify the permits that were required to allow the work to be completed. If no permits (beyond, for example, simple park access passes, etc.) were required, a simple statement to that effect can be substituted. This information should be included at the end of the article, along with other “Acknowledgements”, if any. Examples are: “No special permits were required to visit the sites described in this paper”, “Permission to visit this site was given verbally by the owners,” “Permission to visit this site and collect plants was granted by Lassen Volcanic National Park, permit #LAVO-2005-SCI-0009.”
- Editors may make suggested changes to manuscripts. Authors may reject suggestions or make alternate revisions. The intent is to maximize the understanding and impact of the article. Concise and clear writing will result in the minimum number of editorial changes.
- The editors may request external peer reviews for scholarly articles. If certain external peers should be excluded from the reviewing process, this must be stated in a cover letter.
- Submission of materials to Carnivorous Plant Newsletter for publication is with the understanding that the ICPS will retain nonexclusive unlimited rights to it. The materials may be republished on the ICPS website or other ICPS publications. Credit to the authors will always be given. Contact the editors for instructions if you wish to reprint an article that appeared in Carnivorous Plant Newsletter in another journal.
- Contributions should be submitted by email to E-mail messages must be less than 20 MB. If parts of the contribution are too large to send via e-mail, please contact the editor for alternatives.
- An abstract or short summary is required at the beginning of all articles other than cultivar descriptions and announcements to the membership.
- Full citation of all references quoted in the text must be provided in a references section following the text of the manuscript.
- All illustrations, diagrams, and tables must include descriptive captions. Include these captions at the end of the manuscript.
- A species name must always contain the genus name or first initial of the genus. Usually, the first reference to a species in each genus will contain the full genus name and subsequent references to species in that genus have the initial of the genus. If there is possibility confusion, the complete species name should be used.
- The use of titles, honorifics, job titles, and credentials are not appropriate in scholarly articles. This is in accordance with standard usage in scientific journals. The use of titles is strongly discouraged in general interest articles unless the titles are relevant to the subject of the article. This includes Mr., Mrs., Ms., Mx., Dr., Professor, PhD, etc.
- Footnotes are discouraged for situations where the information can be worked into the text naturally.
- Please see recent articles of the type submitted for general formatting requirements in the Issues menu. The text of submissions does not need to be formatted as it will appear in CPN.
Additional instructions for authors of scholarly and techincal contributions can be found in our extended Instructions for Authors document.
Send submissions and items intended for publication to:
You should receive a confirmation that the submission was received within a few days. If you do not receive a timely confirmation, please send an email to that address without the submission in case the original submission was lost because the email was too large.
Updated 9 September 2024
©2025 International Carnivorous Plant Society
This page is maintained by John Brittnacher.
Please contact us at our membership website,
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