International Carnivorous Plant Society

Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive


Olfactory prey attraction in Drosera?

Andreas Fleischmann

Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 45(1):19-25
Published 19 February 2016

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The use of scented traps for prey attraction has been reported from a few genera of carnivorous plants: most prominently in the pitcher plant genera, where a sweet honey- or fruit-like scent is detectable to the human nose from the pitchers of some populations of Sarracenia flava, S. alata, S. rubra, S. oreophila, S. leucophylla, and S. minor, certain species of Heliamphora (a sweet, honey-like scent is produced from the nectar-spoons of H. tatei, H. neblinae, and H. chimantensis, while the pitchers of H. sarracenioides produce a notable chocolate-like odor when growing under natural or favorable conditions), and the pitchers of some species of Nepenthes. Interestingly, the Venus Flytrap Dionaea also has been discovered to attract prey to its traps not only by the vivid coloration, but also by producing scented volatiles.

Keywords: trap scent, prey attraction, prey analysis, Lepidoptera, ecology, Drosera fragrans, Drosera finlaysoniana, Drosera slackii

Article Citation

Andreas Fleischmann. 2016. Olfactory prey attraction in Drosera?. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 45(1):19-25.

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