International Carnivorous Plant Society

Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive


Red letter days of a Pennsylvania botanist

Sheridan, Phil

Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 27(4):123-125
Published 9 December 1998

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On July 24, 1993 The Nature Conservancy dedicated the 1.6 km2 (400 acre) Thomas Darling Nature Preserve in Monroe County, Pennsylvania. This was in recognition of Tom Darling's lifelong efforts to preserve natural areas and his support of The Nature Conservancy. Mr. Darling's persistent efforts over ten years also helped result in the preservation of Lehigh Pond, one of the most pristine bog habitats in Pennsylvania.

Keywords: conservation; history: Tom Darling

Article Citation

Sheridan, Phil. 1998. Red letter days of a Pennsylvania botanist. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 27(4):123-125.

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