International Carnivorous Plant Society
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive
The action phenomenon of Drosera scorpioides Planch
Miloslav Studnička
Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 53(4):185-189
Published 31 October 2024
Photographs are used to document the observed reactions of marginal and interzonal tentacles of Drosera scorpioides. The leaf of this sundew was irritated both mechanically and chemically, using inanimate organic prey. Although the marginal tentacle in movement, acting as the main “pass on” device, can commonly be seen in various species of sundews when irritated, D. scorpioides behaves differently. In it, after both mechanical and chemical irritation, only the interzonal tentacles are the first to bend, so they are the “labourer” instead of the marginal tentacles, which is unusual. In the observed cases, the marginal tentacles remained rigid in a straight position, even after their direct mechanical irritation, after which the trap began to react by moving the interzonal tentacles. However, the marginal tentacles are able to bend subsequently (delayed after the interzonal tentacles), but only when they are repeatedly and very strongly mechanically stimulated.
Keywords: Drosera scorpioides, marginal tentacles, leaf movements, trap function
Article Citation
Miloslav Studnička. 2024. The action phenomenon of Drosera scorpioides Planch. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 53(4):185-189.
Page views: 148
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