International Carnivorous Plant Society
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive
An updated nomenclatural conspectus of infrageneric names in Pinguicula
Juan Carlos Zamora and Andreas Fleischmann
Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 53(4):160-184
Published 31 October 2024
A revision of the infrageneric (but supraspecific) names published for Pinguicula is performed, including the reference to the protologue and type for every validly published name, as well as the nomenclatural status and nomenclatural notes to explain certain cases, especially for those names that were not validly published or are illegitimate. In addition to discussing the underlying taxonomy from previous publications, we performed an updated phylogenetic analysis using representative ITS, trnK, matK, and rpl32 + rpl32-trnL sequences available in the GenBank database, as internal reference. As a result of the study, the name Brandonia Rchb. is typified with the type of Pinguicula lutea, P. sect. Brandonia is recognised due to priority as the correct name for the clade previously known as P. sect. Isoloba. Finally, some author citations that were often incorrectly cited in the literature are corrected. Pinguicula sect. Nana and P. sect. Micranthus are proposed as incertae sedis instead of forming part of P. subg. Temnoceras, and at least P. sect. Nana might be probably better included in P. subg. Pinguicula. This new placement is supported by morphological and chorological data, and partly by our molecular phylogenetic reconstructions. Chromosome numbers from the literature were also taken into account and confirmed to be useful to delineate certain infrageneric taxa.
Keywords: nomenclature, Pinguicula, sections, subgenera, systematics, taxonomy
Article Citation
Juan Carlos Zamora and Andreas Fleischmann. 2024. An updated nomenclatural conspectus of infrageneric names in Pinguicula. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 53(4):160-184.
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