International Carnivorous Plant Society

Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive


Anatomic adaptation of stems of aquatic Utricularia species dragging turions to the bottom of their habitats

Lubomír Adamec and Hana Sehadová and Jiří Doležal and Veronika Jandová

Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 53(3):128-138
Published 30 July 2024

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Turions are vegetative, dormant, overwintering storage organs formed in aquatic plants. We have observed that shoots with maturating turions of three robust aquatic Utricularia species possess an anatomical adaptation of the central cylinder in apical shoot segments. The senescent mother shoots drag turions in these species to the bottom of their habitat. This adaptation leads to impregnation of the central cylinder by substances preventing the stems from early decomposing. Using anatomical staining methods, we have aimed to elucidate the substances impregnating the central cylinder — partly lignin and mainly polyphenols.

Keywords: Aquatic carnivorous plant, Lentibulariaceae, winter buds, turion development, turion floating, central cylinder, stem decomposition, phenol impregnation

Article Citation

Lubomír Adamec and Hana Sehadová and Jiří Doležal and Veronika Jandová. 2024. Anatomic adaptation of stems of aquatic Utricularia species dragging turions to the bottom of their habitats. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 53(3):128-138.

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