International Carnivorous Plant Society
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive
Heliamphora electrum (Sarraceniaceae), an enigmatic species of marsh pitcher plant from the Sierra de Lema of Venezuela
Michal R. Golos and Joachim Nerz and François Sockhom Mey and Andreas Wistuba
Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 53(1):4-51
Published 1 February 2024
Due to the confused toponymy of the Cerro Venamo region, the exact provenance of the original herbarium material of Heliamphora electrum — collected in the early 1960s by Julian Steyermark and colleagues — has been the subject of considerable debate. Drawing on a comprehensive review of historical documentary material, including maps, photographs, herbarium specimens, unpublished field notes, and contemporaneous literature, we clarify the original collecting localities of this species and thereby resolve a long-standing puzzle in Heliamphora phytogeography.
Keywords: Cerro Uei, Cerro Venamo, Guiana Highlands, new species, Sarraceniaceae, taxonomy, tepui, toponymy, Heliamphora electrum
Article Citation
Michal R. Golos and Joachim Nerz and François Sockhom Mey and Andreas Wistuba. 2024. Heliamphora electrum (Sarraceniaceae), an enigmatic species of marsh pitcher plant from the Sierra de Lema of Venezuela. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 53(1):4-51.
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