International Carnivorous Plant Society

Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive


Nepenthes limiana (Nepenthaceae), a new pitcher plant from the northern Titiwangsa Range of Peninsular Malaysia

Michal R. Golos and François Sockhom Mey and Andreas Wistuba and Gideon Lim and Stewart R. McPherson and Alastair S. Robinson

Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 52(3):128-153
Published 9 August 2023

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Nepenthes limiana, a pitcher plant from the northern Titiwangsa Range of Peninsular Malaysia, is described as new. It is the northernmost known species of the recently defined N. macfarlanei group, whose members are characterised by the presence of conspicuous hairs on the lower surface of the lid. It differs from other members of this group in exhibiting adaptations to seasonal drought in the form of thickened roots and narrow laminae that are reminiscent of those produced by the pyrophytic Nepenthes of Indochina and northernmost Malaysia. Coupled with the presence of decurrent leaf bases, which are not present in any other N. macfarlanei group species but which are present in the pyrophytic Nepenthes, these characters could indicate either morphological convergence or an as yet uncharacterised relationship between N. limiana and the Nepenthes species of Indochina.

Keywords: Nepenthes limiana, Malesia, Nepenthaceae, new species, non-core Caryophyllales, taxonomy

Article Citation

Michal R. Golos and François Sockhom Mey and Andreas Wistuba and Gideon Lim and Stewart R. McPherson and Alastair S. Robinson. 2023. Nepenthes limiana (Nepenthaceae), a new pitcher plant from the northern Titiwangsa Range of Peninsular Malaysia. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 52(3):128-153.

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