International Carnivorous Plant Society

Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive


Morphometry of shoots and flowers of Utricularia minor at a large site in the Czech Republic

Lubomír Adamec and Andrea Kucerová

Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 51(2):84-91
Published 9 May 2022

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In 2021, a large population of Utricularia minor was found in a revitalized former sandpit with strongly acidic and dystrophic water in the Czech Republic. The plants in the population were robust, highly branched, flowered prolifically, and set seeds. The mean length of main shoots of robust U. minor plants was 72 cm (range 54-90 cm). Each plant had a total of 7-17 branches. Inflorescences with at least one ripening fertile capsule were 11-33 cm long and bore 6-11 flowers or capsules at different ages. However, only two ripe fertile capsules (mean 1.21) formed at maximum in one inflorescence.

Keywords: Aquatic carnivorous plant, plant size, leaf node, branching rate, capsules, seed set, ecological requirements

Article Citation

Lubomír Adamec and Andrea Kucerová. 2022. Morphometry of shoots and flowers of Utricularia minor at a large site in the Czech Republic. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 51(2):84-91.

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