International Carnivorous Plant Society

Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive


The huge scientific footprint of Allen James Lowrie (1948 — 2021)

Andreas Fleischmann

Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 51(1):22-39
Published 9 February 2022

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Allen Lowrie was a not a university trained botanist. He was a botanist by passion. His studies and observations of Australian carnivorous plants and triggerplants for about a half-century will inevitably impact every person with an interest in those plants from the Australian flora. It is not an exaggeration to claim that he was probably the most influential person regarding our recent understanding and knowledge of the carnivorous plant flora of Australia. No other botanist — neither 20th or 21st Century nor before — discovered and described to science more new carnivorous plant species or triggerplants.

Keywords: Allen Lowrie, memorial, legacy

Article Citation

Andreas Fleischmann. 2022. The huge scientific footprint of Allen James Lowrie (1948 — 2021). Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 51(1):22-39.

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