International Carnivorous Plant Society
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive
New cultivars
Giacomo Mehle and Juan Camilo Páez Jiménez and Maribel Bohórquez Rodríguez and Aidan Fox and Gary Alcock and Carl Leach and Dimitar Daskalov and Mark Geurts
Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 50(4):224-231
Published 8 November 2021
Keywords: cultivar, Cephalotus 'Tom Thumb', Dionaea 'Carboni Ardenti', Dionaea 'F.S. Colombian Dwarf Caiman', Dionaea 'F.S. Anemone', Dionaea 'Periscope', Nepenthes 'Candy Apple', Sarracenia 'Joker', Sarracenia 'White Beast'
Article Citation
Giacomo Mehle and Juan Camilo Páez Jiménez and Maribel Bohórquez Rodríguez and Aidan Fox and Gary Alcock and Carl Leach and Dimitar Daskalov and Mark Geurts. 2021. New cultivars. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 50(4):224-231.
Page views: 1536
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