International Carnivorous Plant Society
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive
First record of overlap between two species of Pinguicula in the Andean Patagonian forest
Federico Ezequiel Parrilli and María Victoria Coppini
Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 50(4):189-197
Published 8 November 2021
In Argentina there are two species of carnivorous plants of the genus Pinguicula, P. antarctica, and P. australandina. These species, also present in Chile, have a distribution in Argentina limited to the Andean Patagonian Forest ecoregion, which ranges from southern Neuquén to Tierra del Fuego and Isla de los Estados. To date, no cases of overlap between these two Pinguicula species have been reported. Knowing the distribution of species is a key component to understanding their ecology and conservation. The study of the carnivorous plants of Argentina contributes to increase the knowledge of the native flora.
Keywords: Carnivorous plants, overlap, Pinguicula australandina, Pinguicula antarctica
Article Citation
Federico Ezequiel Parrilli and María Victoria Coppini. 2021. First record of overlap between two species of Pinguicula in the Andean Patagonian forest. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 50(4):189-197.
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