International Carnivorous Plant Society

Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive


Siegfried Jost Casper (1929—2021)

Andreas Fleischmann and Jan Schlauer and Hermann Manitz

Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 50(4):165-171
Published 8 November 2021

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Memorial of Siegfried Jost Casper's life including plants named in honor of Jost Casper, taxa named by Jost Casper, and a list of Jost Casper's publications related to carnivorous plants.

Keywords: Siegfried Jost Casper, memorial

Article Citation

Andreas Fleischmann and Jan Schlauer and Hermann Manitz. 2021. Siegfried Jost Casper (1929—2021). Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 50(4):165-171.

Page views: 781


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