International Carnivorous Plant Society

Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive


New cultivars

Dr. Panut Oprasertsawat and Stefano C. Sciutto and Greg Bourke and

Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 50(3):153-158
Published 6 August 2021

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Six new carnivorous plant cultivars are named and described: Nepenthes 'Red Velvet Aurea', Nepenthes 'Khi Seechumpu', Sarracenia 'Bled Velvet', Sarracenia 'Pink Eye', Utricularia 'Devil Spawn', Utricularia 'King Ghidorah'

Keywords: cultivar, Nepenthes 'Red Velvet Aurea', Nepenthes 'Khi Seechumpu', Sarracenia 'Bled Velvet', Sarracenia 'Pink Eye', Utricularia 'Devil Spawn', Utricularia 'King Ghidorah'

Article Citation

Dr. Panut Oprasertsawat and Stefano C. Sciutto and Greg Bourke and. 2021. New cultivars. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 50(3):153-158.

Page views: 1282


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