International Carnivorous Plant Society
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive
New cultivars
Craig Heath and Alexander Fisch and Fraser Anderson and Calen Hall and Jerry Addington and Mattia Chinaglia and Carson Trexler and Zuzana Srostlik
Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 50(1):35-43
Published 16 February 2021
Keywords: cultivar, Cephalotus Kai's Error; Dionaea CCCP Destruction; Nepenthes Pennywise, Simon, (kampotiana x maxima) x (eymae x ephippiata); Sarracenia Caitrin Claire, Dr M., Red Closed Trap; Genlisea hispidula Odin
Article Citation
Craig Heath and Alexander Fisch and Fraser Anderson and Calen Hall and Jerry Addington and Mattia Chinaglia and Carson Trexler and Zuzana Srostlik. 2021. New cultivars. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 50(1):35-43.
Page views: 1561
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