International Carnivorous Plant Society
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive
Hypothesis of tumbleweed-like dispersal of Drosera seeds
Robert Gibson
Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 49(4):181-182
Published 23 November 2020
Erect-growing tuberous sundews of Drosera subgenus Ergaleium section Ergaleium produce seeds of diverse size and shape. Seeds produced by such species as D. andersoniana, D. macrantha, and D. pallida are large and winged, and fit the classic model of those dispersed by the wind. However, many species in this section produce small, round seeds (e.g. D. gigantea, D. salina, and D. yilgarnensis) that appear better suited to dispersal by gravity or water than by the wind. I propose here, that long-distance dispersal of these species may also be facilitated by the transport of detached plant parts, with seed, by the wind.
Keywords: Drosera, dispersion, seeds, wind
Article Citation
Robert Gibson. 2020. Hypothesis of tumbleweed-like dispersal of Drosera seeds. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 49(4):181-182.
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