International Carnivorous Plant Society
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive
New cultivars
Brian Lipinski and Craig Heath and Stephen Wang and Mark Rubnitz and Miroslav Srba and Michael King and Laurent Taerwe and Ivan Bogdanov
Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 49(2):87-94
Published 15 May 2020
Keywords: cultivar, Cephalotus 'OG Black', Dionaea 'CCCP Tasmanian Devil', Heliamphora 'Scylla', Pinguicula 'Razzberry Blonde', Sarracenia 'Atlas 5', Sarracenia 'Christophe Maerten'
Article Citation
Brian Lipinski and Craig Heath and Stephen Wang and Mark Rubnitz and Miroslav Srba and Michael King and Laurent Taerwe and Ivan Bogdanov. 2020. New cultivars. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 49(2):87-94.
Page views: 1771
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