International Carnivorous Plant Society
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive
Preliminary identification of the agent causing the fungal disease of Aldrovanda vesiculosa
Iveta Svobodová and Lubomír Adamec
Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 49(2):56-64
Published 15 May 2020
Aldrovanda vesiculosa L. (Droseraceae) is a critically endangered and rare aquatic carnivorous plant. Growers of Aldrovanda have observed a disorder of shoot apices called 'Aldrovanda disease'. The fungal pathogen of the genera Phytopythium and Pythium of the class Oomycetes was repeatedly found to probably cause the disease. The pathogen occurs permanently in the sedge litter in aquaria or containers, but the factors responsible for its pathogenicity remain unknown.
Keywords: Aquatic carnivorous plant, shoot apex damage, disease symptoms, fungal agent, Pythium, Phytopythium, Oomycetes, curing.
Article Citation
Iveta Svobodová and Lubomír Adamec. 2020. Preliminary identification of the agent causing the fungal disease of Aldrovanda vesiculosa. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 49(2):56-64.
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