International Carnivorous Plant Society

Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive


New cultivars

Mark Rubnitz and Klaus Ivanez and Richard Nunn and Chiem Nguyen Anh Vu

Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 47(2):74-82
Published 10 May 2018

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The cultivars Pinguicula 'Riva', Drosera binata 'Ghost', Nepenthes ampullaria 'Black Widow', Nepenthes ampullaria 'Caramel Candy Stripe', Nepenthes ampullaria 'Lime Delight', Nepenthes ampullaria 'Chocolate Delight', Nepenthes ampullaria 'Cherry Delight', and Nepenthes ampullaria 'Bronze Delight' are described.

Keywords: cultivar; Pinguicula 'Riva', Drosera binata 'Ghost', Nepenthes ampullaria 'Black Widow', Nepenthes ampullaria 'Caramel Candy Stripe', Nepenthes ampullaria 'Lime Delight', Nepenthes ampullaria 'Chocolate Delight', Nepenthes ampullaria 'Cherry Delight', Nepenthes ampullaria 'Bronze Delight'

Article Citation

Mark Rubnitz and Klaus Ivanez and Richard Nunn and Chiem Nguyen Anh Vu. 2018. New cultivars. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 47(2):74-82.

Page views: 537


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