International Carnivorous Plant Society

Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive


An informal population report and observation of phenotypic variance and habitat of the Alabama Canebrake Pitcher Plant Sarracenia alabamensis Case & R.B. Case subsp. alabamensis (Sarraceniaceae)

Noah D. Yawn

Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 47(2):54-63
Published 10 May 2018

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Varying phenotypic traits of Sarracenia alabamensis Case & R.B. Case subsp. alabamensis (Sarraceniaceae), the Alabama Canebrake Pitcher Plant, were observed across its entire range. Listed under the U.S. Endangered Species Act, this rare, endemic species is currently limited to two counties across central Alabama. There is an undocumented phenotypic variability concerning pigmentation in five populations of Sarracenia alabamensis subsp. alabamensis across central Alabama. There appears to be higher levels of pigmentation in <5% of plants, characterized by a bilateral, interior ventral patch of anthocyanin pigmentation, terminating at the peristome and pitcher neck. Areolate and excess yellow coloration characteristics in these five populations, as well as net population status are reviewed and discussed.

Keywords: Alabama, Sarracenia alabamensis, population, description, field study, phenotype

Article Citation

Noah D. Yawn. 2018. An informal population report and observation of phenotypic variance and habitat of the Alabama Canebrake Pitcher Plant Sarracenia alabamensis Case & R.B. Case subsp. alabamensis (Sarraceniaceae). Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 47(2):54-63.

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