International Carnivorous Plant Society
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive
I'm not dead yet, re-finding Drosera x hybrida in the wild
Jason Ksepka
Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 46(4):148-154
Published 16 November 2017
In his 2011 CPN article 'Drosera × hybrida rest in peace', John Brittnacher (2011) declared D. × hybrida extinct in the wild. Indeed, the cover photo was one that I took, which, as it turned out later, would be the last known photo of that hybrid in the wild at that time. I am writing this article as an update to John's 2011 article by adding six new locations of D. × hybrida in two counties of southern New Jersey.
Keywords: Drosera x hybrida, pinelands, Pine Barrens, hybrid, disturbance
Article Citation
Jason Ksepka. 2017. I'm not dead yet, re-finding Drosera x hybrida in the wild. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 46(4):148-154.
Page views: 891
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