International Carnivorous Plant Society
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive
Drosera huegelii Endl. var. phillmanniana from the Stirling Range, south western Australia
Yves-Andre Utz and Robert Gibson
Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 46(4):132-138
Published 16 November 2017
Short-stemmed plants of Drosera huegelii from the highest peaks of the Stirling Range in south western Australia have been found to differ in a number of aspects from the more widespread typical form of this taxon and are recognized as a distinct variety.
Keywords: new variety, Drosera huegelii var. phillmanniana, Stirling Range, south western Australia
Article Citation
Yves-Andre Utz and Robert Gibson. 2017. Drosera huegelii Endl. var. phillmanniana from the Stirling Range, south western Australia. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 46(4):132-138.
Page views: 1075
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