International Carnivorous Plant Society
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive
An account of the Nepenthes species of Vietnam
Richard Nunn and Chiem Nguyen Anh Vu
Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 45(3):93-101
Published 7 September 2016
It is the goal of this paper to provide an account of the Nepenthes taxa found in Vietnam and in particular to document the occurrence of Nepenthes kampotiana and update the conservation status of Nepenthes thorelii. In October 2015, the authors conducted a field trip to Vietnam to establish without doubt the number of taxa found in Vietnam. This paper will give an account of that field trip and also discuss the botanical history, ecology, taxonomy, and conservation status of Nepenthes in Vietnam.
Keywords: Vietnam, Nepenthes thorelii, mirabilis, smilesii, kampotiana
Article Citation
Richard Nunn and Chiem Nguyen Anh Vu. 2016. An account of the Nepenthes species of Vietnam. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 45(3):93-101.
Page views: 975
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