International Carnivorous Plant Society

Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive


Pinguicula flowers with pollen imitations close at night - some observations on butterwort flower biology

Andreas Fleischmann

Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 45(3):84-92
Published 7 September 2016

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Very little is known about flower biology and pollinators of Pinguicula, and even less is published about this topic. I will try to fill at least some small part of this gap by reporting some observations I have made during growing a large number of butterwort species in the greenhouse for almost 20 years, as well as from casual observations made on natural populations during several field trips.

Keywords: flower biology, Pinguicula, pollination, pollen mimicry, southeastern U.S., Mexico, nastic movement, tropism, Pinguicula caerulea, ionantha, lutea, primuliflora, pumila, debbertiana, mirandae, ehlersiae, agnata, pilosa, ibarrae, rotundiflora, vulgaris, leptoceras, laueana, hemiepiphytica, lusitanica, takakii, sharpii, filifolia

Article Citation

Andreas Fleischmann. 2016. Pinguicula flowers with pollen imitations close at night - some observations on butterwort flower biology. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 45(3):84-92.

Page views: 912


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