International Carnivorous Plant Society

Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive


Drosera pauciflora ' the queen of the sundews

Robert Gibson

Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 45(3):102-106
Published 7 September 2016

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Drosera pauciflora Banks ex DC is a flat-rosetted sundew endemic to the Western Cape of South Africa which produces flowers up to 6 cm diameter that are the largest in the genus. These magnificent flowers make Drosera pauciflora an apt queenly partner to the king sundew, Drosera regia. Drosera pauciflora is perhaps better known from plants in cultivation than in the wild, to help rectify this I present information from field and herbarium studies to give this species more context.

Keywords: Drosera pauciflora, sundew, South Africa, Capetown, cultivation, propagation

Article Citation

Robert Gibson. 2016. Drosera pauciflora ' the queen of the sundews. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 45(3):102-106.

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