International Carnivorous Plant Society

Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive


An equation for determining percentage of herbivory on Pinguicula moranensis ' A correction

Michael Baldwin and Robert Baldwin

Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 45(1):26
Published 19 February 2016

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Recently Alcalá et al. (2010) explored the potentially defensive function of sticky traps in Pin- guicula moranensis. Specifically, the authors assessed the defensive role of glandular trichomes in the interaction between P. moranensis and its insect herbivores. Alcalá et al. (2010) offered a unique digital photography tool and a method for determining the amount of herbivory. To create a baseline level of insect herbivory the authors developed an equation to determine the percentage of leaf herbivory. Unfortunately, the equation published in the article contained an error. The goal of this article is to offer a correction to the error.

Keywords: correction, Pinguicula moranensis

Article Citation

Michael Baldwin and Robert Baldwin. 2016. An equation for determining percentage of herbivory on Pinguicula moranensis ' A correction. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 45(1):26.

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