International Carnivorous Plant Society
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive
The intricate Pinguicula crystallina/hirtiflora-complex
Andreas Fleischmann
Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 44(2):48-61
Published 21 May 2015
The Pinguicula crystallina/hirtiflora-species-aggregate (Pinguicula section Cardiophyllum, which will be further simply called the 'P. crystallina-complex' here) comprises rosetted perennial temperate butterworts of homophyllous growth type (the latter means that carnivorous leaves are produced throughout the year, no hibernacula or non-carnivorous winter leaves are present, and the plants hibernate with open leaf rosettes) that are distributed in the Mediterranean (southern Italy, the Balkans, and Greece) and Asia Minor (Cyprus and Turkey).
Keywords: Lentibulariaceae; Pinguicula crystallina, hirtiflora, louisii, megaspilaea, lavalvae; Mediterranean; Anatolia; cultivation
Article Citation
Andreas Fleischmann. 2015. The intricate Pinguicula crystallina/hirtiflora-complex. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 44(2):48-61.
Page views: 875
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