International Carnivorous Plant Society

Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive


An updated taxonomic treatment of the natural hybrids of Sarracenia L. (Sarraceniaceae)

Ray Neyland and Jennifer Bushnell and Wannee Tangkham

Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 44(1):4-12
Published 23 February 2015

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Presently there exists confusion concerning the legitimacy and taxonomy of the named natural hybrids of Sarracenia. One reason for this confusion centers on the unsettled taxonomy of what may be called the S. rubra and the S. purpurea complexes. More specifically, hybrids derived from either or both of these two complexes are those for which the taxonomy is most unclear. Additionally, in some cases, collection data is scant or missing. Drawn from literature, collection records and field observations, a review of the named natural hybrids of Sarracenia is presented.

Keywords: natural plant hybrids, Sarracenia, Sarracenia hybrids, Sarraceniaceae

Article Citation

Ray Neyland and Jennifer Bushnell and Wannee Tangkham. 2015. An updated taxonomic treatment of the natural hybrids of Sarracenia L. (Sarraceniaceae). Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 44(1):4-12.

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