International Carnivorous Plant Society
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive
New cultivars
Arnaud Dalmais and Guillem Gutierrez and John M. Kotleba and Robert Co and Matthew M. Kaelin
Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 44(1):32-38
Published 23 February 2015
Keywords: cultivar, Dionaea muscipula 'Farou', Dionaea muscipula 'Carniplant', Dionaea muscipula 'Purple Haze', Sarracenia 'Legacy', Nepenthes 'H.R. Giger'
Article Citation
Arnaud Dalmais and Guillem Gutierrez and John M. Kotleba and Robert Co and Matthew M. Kaelin. 2015. New cultivars. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 44(1):32-38.
Page views: 523
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