International Carnivorous Plant Society
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive
Drosera x Dork's Pink a man-made pygmy Drosera hybrid between Drosera lasiantha and Drosera callistos
John Hancock and Allen Lowrie
Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 44(1):18-23
Published 23 February 2015
Drosera × Dork's Pink Hancock & Lowrie is the first man-made pygmy Drosera hybrid to be acknowledged in the literature. The hybrid is a cross between Drosera lasiantha Lowrie & Carlquist (female parent and Drosera callistos N.G. Marchant & Lowrie (male parent). This hybrid was produced in the spring of 2000. The hybridization materials and methods are recorded; a description of the hybrid is presented; the parent plants as well as the hybrid are photographically illustrated; and the etymology for 'Dork's Pink' is explained.
Keywords: Drosera x Dork's Pink Hancock & Lowrie, Drosera lasiantha, Drosera callistos, pygmy Drosera hybrid, Australian pygmy Drosera, man-made pygmy Drosera hybrids
Article Citation
John Hancock and Allen Lowrie. 2015. Drosera x Dork's Pink a man-made pygmy Drosera hybrid between Drosera lasiantha and Drosera callistos. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 44(1):18-23.
Page views: 1039
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