International Carnivorous Plant Society

Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive


Cephalotus follicularis cultivars and forms in cultivation — is there a basis for the current naming protocols?

Richard Nunn

Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 43(1):14-18
Published 12 March 2014

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Over the past few years the author has watched with interest as cultivators of Cephalotus follicularis have attempted to find some points of difference to apply cultivar names, some registered, most not. Unfortunately, in what appears to be a push for commercial gain, the current plethora of cultivar names has reached the point of ridiculous, and one which unfortunately is also gaining popularity with other genera of carnivorous plants

Keywords: Cephalotus follicularis, cultivation, cultivar

Article Citation

Richard Nunn. 2014. Cephalotus follicularis cultivars and forms in cultivation — is there a basis for the current naming protocols?. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 43(1):14-18.

Page views: 883


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