International Carnivorous Plant Society

Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive


Mice feeding on Sarracenia secretion

Don Gray

Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 42(4):129
Published 2 December 2013

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This story started a couple of years back when I arrived at my New Zealand greenhouse and found a pair of native nectar feeding birds we call wax eyes (Zosterops lateralis) flying along the inside of the greenhouse and hanging around a group of autumn Sarracenia leucophylla pitchers. I managed to take a couple of very average photos of the wax eyes feeding from the mouths of the S. leucophylla.

Keywords: mice, Sarracenia leucophylla, Mus musculus, New Zealand

Article Citation

Don Gray. 2013. Mice feeding on Sarracenia secretion. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 42(4):129.

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