International Carnivorous Plant Society
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive
Different wing in pitchers of the myrmecophagous species Sarracenia minor and S. rubra
Studnička, Miloslav
Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 42(1):19-23
Published 25 February 2013
The pitcher wings of Sarracenia minor and S. rubra are compared. The vascular bundles are found to be different (2 vs 1), and the lateral indumenta are dissimilar. The dimensions of the wings, the shapes of the nectar roll, and its connection to the wing edge are also different. An interesting application of the system observed in the wing of S. minor was documented in station semaphores. Sarracenia minor is often described as a 'primitive' species in the genus; evidence suggests this characterization is inaccurate.
Keywords: Sarracenia, ants, anatomy, hairs
Article Citation
Studnička, Miloslav. 2013. Different wing in pitchers of the myrmecophagous species Sarracenia minor and S. rubra. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 42(1):19-23.
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