International Carnivorous Plant Society
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive
Brief information about the species status of Utricularia cornigera Studnička
Studnička, Miloslav
Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 42(1):15-18
Published 25 February 2013
The carnivorous plant Utricularia cornigera Studnica was described in 2009, but authorities of the International Carnivorous Plant Society published an opinion that it is not a true species, but only a natural hybrid of U. reniformis and U. nelumbifolia. The role of heterosis is discussed, because U. cornigera is much larger than both theoretical parents. Seedlings, the very characteristic feature of bladderworts (Utricularia), are different in all the bladderworts described, that is, in the named species and in artificial hybrids of U. nelumbifolia and U. reniformis. No support for the hypothesis supposing a hybrid origin of U. cornigera was found.
Keywords: Utricularia cornigera, hybrid, heterosis, apomixis
Article Citation
Studnička, Miloslav. 2013. Brief information about the species status of Utricularia cornigera Studnička. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 42(1):15-18.
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