International Carnivorous Plant Society

Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive


Wounding and chemical treatment effects on Drosera capensis bud formation on leaf cuttings

Mason McNair and Amanda Wilkins and Dennis Werner

Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 41(4):140-142
Published 30 November 2012

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Drosera capensis L. (Droseraceae) is one of the most commonly grown carnivorous plants prized for its ease of culture and rapid growth. In cultivation, seed is preferred for propagating this species; however, in the case of cultivar propagation, asexual propagation must be used. D. capensis readily propagates from both leaf and root cuttings. Leaf cuttings can be used to asexually propagate D. capensis. Wounding and exogenous hormone applications are commonly used in herbaceous and woody plant asexual propagation to enhance adventitious root and shoot formation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of wounding and exogenous hormone application (auxin and cytokinin) on adventitious shoot formation on leaf cuttings of D. capensis.

Keywords: Drosera capensis

Article Citation

Mason McNair and Amanda Wilkins and Dennis Werner. 2012. Wounding and chemical treatment effects on Drosera capensis bud formation on leaf cuttings. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 41(4):140-142.

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