International Carnivorous Plant Society
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive
The digestive fluid of Drosera indica contains a cysteine endopeptidase ('droserain') similar to dionain from Dionaea muscipula
Kenji Takahashi and Wataru Nishii and Chiaki Shibata
Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 41(4):132-134
Published 30 November 2012
Keywords: chemistry, Drosera indica, cysteine endopeptidase, droserain, Dionaea muscipula, dionain, aspartic endopeptidase
Article Citation
Kenji Takahashi and Wataru Nishii and Chiaki Shibata. 2012. The digestive fluid of Drosera indica contains a cysteine endopeptidase ('droserain') similar to dionain from Dionaea muscipula. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 41(4):132-134.
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