International Carnivorous Plant Society

Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive


Literature reviews: Is Drosera meristocaulis a pygmy sundew? Evidence of a long-distance dispersal between Western Australia and northern South America; Late Cretaceous Palaeoaldrovanda, not seeds of a carnivorous plant, but eggs of an insect

Jan Schlauer

Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 41(3):121
Published 31 August 2012

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Keywords: Palaeoaldrovanda, fossil, Aldrovanda, Drosera meristocaulis

Article Citation

Jan Schlauer. 2012. Literature reviews: Is Drosera meristocaulis a pygmy sundew? Evidence of a long-distance dispersal between Western Australia and northern South America; Late Cretaceous Palaeoaldrovanda, not seeds of a carnivorous plant, but eggs of an insect. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 41(3):121.

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