International Carnivorous Plant Society
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive
Nutrient stoichiometry of Nepenthes species from a Bornean peat swamp forest
Francis Q. Brearley and Muhammad Mansur
Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 41(3):105-108
Published 31 August 2012
To shed light on the nature of nutrient limitation in carnivorous plant communities, we collected data on foliar nutrient concentrations and ratios from three Nepenthes species and one natural hybrid growing in peat swamp forests of southern Borneo. Due to their low foliar nitrogen concentrations and very low nitrogen:phosphorus ratios, our data strongly suggest that these species are limited by nitrogen availability.
Keywords: Indonesia, micronutrients, nitrogen, phosphorus, wetlands
Article Citation
Francis Q. Brearley and Muhammad Mansur. 2012. Nutrient stoichiometry of Nepenthes species from a Bornean peat swamp forest. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 41(3):105-108.
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