International Carnivorous Plant Society

Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive


An improved mineral nutrient solution for the in vitro propagation of Pinguicula species

Legendre, Laurent

Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 41(1):16-19
Published 29 February 2012

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Propagating plants in vitro (tissue culture) is widely used to rapidly generate large quantities of disease-free plants. It is applied to hundreds of carnivorous plant species including the genus Pinguicula whose species are very sensitive to pathogenic microorganisms and, in some cases, may develop poorly under current cultivation practices.

Keywords: in vitro cultivation, Pinguicula, tissue culture

Article Citation

Legendre, Laurent. 2012. An improved mineral nutrient solution for the in vitro propagation of Pinguicula species. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 41(1):16-19.

Page views: 868


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