International Carnivorous Plant Society

Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive


New cultivars

Lechtman, Jay and Peter D'Amato and Julio Alberto Gonzalez Dominguez

Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 40(4):136-140
Published 1 December 2011

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The cultivars Sarracenia 'Deep Throat', Sarracenia 'Gorey', Dionaea 'JA1', Sarracenia 'Leo Song', Sarracenia 'Red and White', and Sarracenia 'Seurat' are described.

Keywords: cultivar: Sarracenia 'Seurat', Sarracenia 'Gorey', Sarracenia 'Leo Song', Sarracenia 'Deep Throat', Sarracenia 'Red and White', Dionaea 'JA1'

Article Citation

Lechtman, Jay and Peter D'Amato and Julio Alberto Gonzalez Dominguez. 2011. New cultivars. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 40(4):136-140.

Page views: 524


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