International Carnivorous Plant Society
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive
Flower studies do not support subspecies within Pinguicula macroceras
Barry Rice
Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 40(2):44-49
Published 1 June 2011
How much do the flowers of Pinguicula vary in size from site to site? To explore this and related questions, flowers of Pinguicula macroceras from different Californian colonies were studied. It was found that different colonies, even if separated by only small distances, can have significantly different typical flower sizes. These differences are even greater than the differences that were used to define subspecies within Pinguicula macroceras. As such, there is inadequate evidence to support subspecific divisions within P. macroceras.
Keywords: Field studies, Pinguicula macroceras, California, Del Norte, Castle Crags
Article Citation
Barry Rice. 2011. Flower studies do not support subspecies within Pinguicula macroceras. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 40(2):44-49.
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