International Carnivorous Plant Society
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive
Do we have any evidence that any plants have given up carnivory?
Fleischmann, Andreas
Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 40(1):37
Published 1 March 2011
This might have happened several times during the evolution of the carnivorous groups that we know today. We can even observe partial or total loss of carnivorous traits in some well-known carnivorous plant groups today: Drosera caduca for example produces non-carnivorous leaves when adult (consisting only of an elongated petiole, without a carnivorous lamina anymore), and bears carnivorous glandular leaves only in the juvenile stage and shortly after regrowing from dormancy. Drosera schizandra, a species of rainforest floors, bears only a very sparse cover of carnivorous glands, and the mucilage is easily washed away, and not continuously replaced as in most other Drosera species. This species could be considered on the way to becoming a “post-CP” in adaptation to its habitat.
Keywords: carnivory
Article Citation
Fleischmann, Andreas. 2011. Do we have any evidence that any plants have given up carnivory?. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 40(1):37.
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