International Carnivorous Plant Society
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive
Conservation issues at the Watson Pinelands Preserve, Tyler County, Texas
Howlett, Michael
Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 39(1):4-6
Published 16 March 2010
The Watson Pinelands Preserve is a 4.8-ha (12-ac) privately owned facility nestled in the Big Thicket of east Texas, and is home to many species of carnivorous plants. Development and maintenance of the preserve as a living record of the rich diversity of East Texas herbaceous and woody plants has not been an easy task, and has had its share of conservation issues as well. This article will discuss some of the many conservation issues that affect the Watson Pinelands Preserve, and what can be done to reduce and/or eliminate some of these effects.
Keywords: conservation: Texas, Watson Pinelands Preserve, Sarracenia alata, Frostburg, Conference
Article Citation
Howlett, Michael. 2010. Conservation issues at the Watson Pinelands Preserve, Tyler County, Texas. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 39(1):4-6.
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