International Carnivorous Plant Society

Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive


New names for natural hybrids in Sarracenia

Mellichamp, Larry

Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 37(4):112-117
Published 26 November 2008

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For the past two years I have been working on my treatment of the family Sarraceniaceae for publication in Volume 8 of the comprehensive Flora of North America, due for publication in 2009. Through my studies, I have come to understand much better two of the current problems in Sarracenia in the Southeastern United States, and have solidified my views. This was done through a combination of examining dried herbarium specimens (representing our preserved knowledge of these plants), comparing specimens grown in a common garden where different plants are grown under almost identical environmental conditions, and seeing the plants in the wild. These problems involve interpretation of the Sarracenia purpurea and the S. rubra complexes. This paper considers natural hybrids involving these taxa.

Keywords: New taxa: Sarracenia x naczii, Sarracenia x bellii, Sarracenia x casei, Sarracenia x charlesmoorei

Article Citation

Mellichamp, Larry. 2008. New names for natural hybrids in Sarracenia. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 37(4):112-117.

Page views: 1085


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