International Carnivorous Plant Society

Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive


Taxonomic Relationships of Some Sarracenia spp. (Sarraceniaceae) are not Deducible Based on Palynology

Michael S. Bodri and Robert Sinn

Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 37(3):75-79
Published 29 August 2008

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Pollen morphometrics for Sarracenia alata, S. flava, S. minor, S. purpurea and S. rubra were determined in an effort to utilize polar and equatorial dimensions to help determine species relationships. Although Sarracenia flava was found to be distinct from the other species, which in themselves form a distinct group, this study found that pollen morphometrics do not allow greater distinction between species. Therefore, pollen measurements are not valid in determining phylogenetic relationships for the genus.

Keywords: taxonomy: pollen, Sarracenia

Article Citation

Michael S. Bodri and Robert Sinn. 2008. Taxonomic Relationships of Some Sarracenia spp. (Sarraceniaceae) are not Deducible Based on Palynology. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 37(3):75-79.

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