International Carnivorous Plant Society
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive
Pinguicula vulgaris L. in the Champagne state of France: life in an alkaline bog
Legendre, Laurent and Thomas Cieslak
Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 36(4):104-113
Published 22 December 2007
Pinguicula vulgaris was observed growing in the Champagne state of France near the city of Rheims during 1994-2000. The plants are the remnants of what was, up to the beginning of the 20th century, a largely distributed set of populations that grew all over the Champagne and Paris basins. During the time of the study, the three populations were living in alkaline bogs and were gradually reducing in size. The plants differed from most other P. vulgaris by their ability to generate large numbers of gemmae in the winter, the round shape of their seed capsules and the small size of their leaf rosettes. A rough description of their habitat is presented in this article to explain their survival and observed dwindling numbers.
Keywords: field studies: France, Pinguicula vulgaris
Article Citation
Legendre, Laurent and Thomas Cieslak. 2007. Pinguicula vulgaris L. in the Champagne state of France: life in an alkaline bog. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 36(4):104-113.
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