International Carnivorous Plant Society
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive
An interesting observation on the mycorrhizal symbiosis in the insectivorous plant, Drosera peltata Sm., in Meghalaya, north-east India
Venugopal, N. and Ksh. Raseshowri Devi and C. S. Rao
Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 36(1):9-13
Published 22 March 2007
The work deals with new observations of a mycorrhizal symbiotic association in the corms and subterranean lateral foliar organs of Drosera peltata Sm. North-East, India. The fungal species is Suillus luteus, an indigenous common mycobiont in this region. This mycobiont enhances the efficiency of mineral uptake, particularly phosphorous. Calcofluor fluorochrome does not fluoresce at the subepidermal region of the corm, due to a mycorrhizal hartig net. This is an additional report of mycorrhizal symbiosis in the carnivorous plant Drosera peltata after Fuchs & Haselwandter (2004) in Drosera intermedia.
Keywords: ecology: Drosera peltata, Suillus luteus; physiology: Drosera peltata
Article Citation
Venugopal, N. and Ksh. Raseshowri Devi and C. S. Rao. 2007. An interesting observation on the mycorrhizal symbiosis in the insectivorous plant, Drosera peltata Sm., in Meghalaya, north-east India. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 36(1):9-13.
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